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Roberts Balanas @ Earth Hackney


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Roberts Balanas @ Earth Hackney

Violin sensation Roberts Balanas presents a new solo show at EartH Hackney.

The acclaimed Latvian musician has taken the music world by storm with his genre-defying style, combining his background in Classical music with the sound worlds of Pop, Rock, and Electronica. His solo violin performances have amassed millions of views across the web and among his supporters you will find the likes of Elton John.

Join him for an electrifying debut of his new solo show at the Evolutionary Arts Hackney Theatre.

…I thought it was so fantastic, I just had to share it with you all. ‘' Sir Elton John, on Balanas' arrangement of ‘I'm Still Standing’

Click here for tickets and more information

Earlier Event: April 14
Manchester Mid-day @ Bridgewater Hall
Later Event: October 8
Through the noise @ Omeara, London